Welcome to the ICRACM!
The International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM) was founded by their president Prof. V.K. Srivastava. Advanced composites are enabling materials for a number of demanding energy efficient and eco-friendly applications in aerospace, power generation and ground transportation. These materials have unique properties such as high strength, high stiffness, long fatigue life, low density and adaptability to the intended functions. Significant achievements have been made worldwide in the design, development, manufacturing and application of these materials in recent years and considerable innovative research is still continuing to address technical and economic challenges.
The worldwide participation and recognition led to grand success of each series of ICRACM. This year the seventh series will be hosted by the “Institut für Textiltechnik” of RWTH Aachen University.

Conference Topics
Advanced Fibre composites
Wood composites
Ceramic composites and advanced ceramics
Biomaterials and Bio-composites
Recent developments in fibre and particulate composites for structural and tribological applications (Fracture, Fatigue, Impact, Wear & Friction, Environomental studies)
Testing & Quality control of composites
Application of composites in low-cost houses and bridges
Textile Engineering
Metal matrix composites
Nanomaterials and Nano-composites
Recycling & repair technology in composites
Critical issues in composites (interfaces, processing, applications and manufacturing)
Composites in intelligent and sustainable civil structure
Composite Technology - Industrial Applications
Conference Topics
Abstract Submission Closes
30th of March 2023
Full paper Submission
30th of July
Congress Dates
27 - 29 September